Rep. H. Morgan Griffith 1 vote for children 0 bills sponsored for children 0 bills cosponsored for children 0 actions against the interests of children Rep. H. Morgan GriffithBen Dawson2023-09-29T13:07:09-05:00
Rep. Raúl Grijalva 1 vote for children 1 bill sponsored for children 20 bills cosponsored for children 0 actions against the interests of children Rep. Raúl GrijalvaBen Dawson2023-09-29T13:08:07-05:00
Rep. Glenn Grothman 0 votes for children 0 bills sponsored for children 0 bills cosponsored for children 4 actions against the interests of children Rep. Glenn GrothmanBen Dawson2023-09-29T13:07:05-05:00
Rep. Michael Guest 1 vote for children 0 bills sponsored for children 0 bills cosponsored for children 0 actions against the interests of children Rep. Michael GuestBen Dawson2023-09-29T13:07:53-05:00
Rep. Steven Guthrie 0 votes for children 0 bills sponsored for children 0 bills cosponsored for children 1 action against the interests of children Rep. Steven GuthrieBen Dawson2023-09-29T13:08:24-05:00
Rep. Harriet Hageman 1 vote for children 0 bills sponsored for children 0 bills cosponsored for children 0 actions against the interests of children Rep. Harriet HagemanBen Dawson2023-09-29T13:07:09-05:00
Sen. William Hagerty 0 votes for children 0 bills sponsored for children 0 bills cosponsored for children 0 actions against the interests of children Sen. William HagertyBen Dawson2023-09-29T13:08:39-05:00
Rep. Joshua Harder 0 votes for children 1 bill sponsored for children 4 bills cosponsored for children 1 action against the interests of children Rep. Joshua HarderBen Dawson2023-09-29T13:07:30-05:00
Rep. Andrew Harris 1 vote for children 0 bills sponsored for children 0 bills cosponsored for children 1 action against the interests of children Rep. Andrew HarrisBen Dawson2023-09-29T13:06:27-05:00
Rep. Diana Harshbarger 1 vote for children 0 bills sponsored for children 2 bills cosponsored for children 1 action against the interests of children Rep. Diana HarshbargerBen Dawson2023-09-29T13:06:53-05:00